
What would it be like to commit to giving one intentional, heartfelt gift every day in the month of February?

These could be all types of gifts: not just objects, but also intangible things like your time, attention, honesty, and encouragement. Small actions that let other people know they are important, and that are authentic expressions of what’s best in you.

Humble giving like this doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money, but it does take something. It requires shifting off of autopilot and reconnecting to that place of peace, openness and generosity inside you that is deeper than day-to-day activities, worries, and distractions.

It is so easy to postpone giving these little gifts until “tomorrow,” or simply decide they aren’t important. But they are important. And there is value in choosing to prioritize them.

This month-long program gives you the opportunity to do just that, along with a group of other powerful people who are practicing, learning, and giving right alongside you. By the end, we will each have put 29 acts of kindness and generosity out into the world that wouldn’t have otherwise happened.

*who it’s for

I say “spiritual leaders,” but please know that my definition of that term is very broad, and includes people who have probably never described themselves that way. I explain more in one of the videos below, but you will likely be a good fit if you:

  • Are grounded in your own connection to, and orientation toward, something bigger than yourself, whether you call it God, Source, Love, Joy, Truth, or something else

  • Are sensitive to people’s pain, and want to help ease unnecessary suffering

  • Are comfortable interacting with people of different faiths, belief systems, and social/political points of view, without feeling the need to convert them

  • Tend to see people as “in this together,” and are uncomfortable dividing people into good/bad, us/them, right/wrong

  • Trust in people’s innate wisdom, goodness, and worth—including your own!

  • Like how it feels to give with a spirit of generosity, gratitude, and goodwill, and would like to do it more often

  • Are ready to prioritize this right now, and excited to be part of a community of other inspiring people who are doing the same

how it works

Inspired by Cami Walker’s great book, 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life, the commitment is simple: give an intentional gift every day in February, focusing on ways of giving that feel good and worthwhile to you. You could narrow it down to a particular type of gift (e.g., cards, phone calls, artwork, acts of service, food), a particular person or group of people (e.g., spouse, kids, clients, friends, strangers), or leave the whole month open to inspiration.

I’ve put together a little workbook with some creative, low-cost gift ideas and prompts to get you thinking about who you might give to, and how, which you’ll be able to download when you register. There’s also a private Facebook group where I’ll post questions and ideas throughout the month and host Facebook lives at the beginning, middle, and end. Finally, if your schedule permits, you can attend up to six weekly Zoom (video) calls where we’ll be able to see, hear and respond to each other, and dig deeper into what we’re learning and experiencing.

what it costs

Since this is a brand new program, I’m keeping the upfront cost low, just $29 for the month. That said, my intention is for the experience to be worth well more than that, so if at the end you would like to contribute more, you will have the opportunity to do so.

when it’s happening

The giving commitment runs from February 1-29, 2020.

There will be Facebook lives in the group at 12 p.m. EST on Feb 1, Feb 15, and Feb 29.

The weekly Zoom calls are on Fridays from 12-1 p.m. EST for the duration of the program (on Feb 7, 14, 21, and 28), with an addition wrap-up/debrief call at the same time on Friday, March 6th. All Zoom conversations will be recorded for people who can’t attend live.

If you are finding out about this after February 1st, fear not! You can still participate. Just sign up and jump in on whatever day you’re on. There’s no penalty for missing days, and no special prize for doing all 29. The point is simply to start where you are, and reap the immediate rewards and benefits that intrinsically come from sharing the best of you.

a fun bonus

Participants in this program automatically get 20% off everything in the Gift of Happiness store through the end of February, with the exception of already discounted sets of yard signs. This 5-minute video gives an overview of what all of those things are.

To learn even more

Orientation/Kickoff Call
Friday, January 31st, 2020 from 12-1 p.m. EST

A recording of this call is available in the Gift of Happiness Facebook group, which I invite you to join!

FAQ Videos

You might also want to watch/listen to this series of videos, on things like what it means to me to be a "spiritual leader," reflections on the word "humility," specific examples of humble gifts, and some thoughts for those of you who are already very busy and wonder if you have the bandwidth to take on something like this.

Are you ready to dive in?

If this feels like a YES for you, I am so glad! Click the “add to cart” button and let’s get started.

29 Days of Humble Giving