Why THOSE messages and not others?

A couple of weeks ago, I put out a survey to get feedback on some new messages I was considering for my Signs of Kindness project.

Here are some of the top picks, which I'm excited that you'll be able to order soon:

  • You've got this

  • You matter

  • Your voice matters

  • You are awesome

  • You have what it takes

In addition to seeing how people responded to the different messages I suggested, I was interested in everyone's ideas for other words that could go on signs. It really got me thinking about what causes me to say yes or no to particular message. Here's a video with some thoughts about that:

For those who aren't video-watching types, here's a quick summary:

I've gotten a number of requests for signs that say, "Be kind."

Inspiring kindheartedness is one of the goals of this project, but I've decided I don't want to make a "Be Kind" sign, because I'm not convinced it will actually help in the ways I'm going for.

It seems to me that when people aren't kind -- myself included -- it isn't that they don't want to be kind, or don't think it's important, but because something is getting in the way that makes kindness seem inaccessible.

When I'm afraid, or hurt, or full of self-doubt, it is a lot harder for me to be kind. In those situations, reminders to be kind might help me keep my behavior in check so that I don't do something I'll regret later, but they don't actually help me access my authentic warmth and generosity, which is what I really want, and what I believe others want from me.

To get back to a natural state of kindness requires soothing the fears are present, and encouraging a more open, hopeful state of mind where new insights and perspectives can come in. I want my signs to help inspire that mindset shift, so that the people who see them might access their own inner peace more easily, and pass it on to others.

I know that this works, at least for some people, because I've heard them say so. Passing by messages of love and encouragement makes them feel good. It helps them show up differently during the day. And for those in pain, the simple words on a sign can be profoundly healing.

This is why the project has been so exciting to me, and why I've set the ambitious goal of getting them in 25 states by Thanksgiving(!). If you’d like to help meet that goal, there are many ways you can participate: Request sign funding for your location, order a sign for yourself or someone else, or simply share the project with others.

I look forward to seeing what we can create!