Not partisan, but still political

When I started the Signs of Kindness project last August, the goal came to me easily and automatically: I wanted signs in all 50 states before the 2020 election.

I had that goal posted on my website for several weeks, and then replaced it with 25 states by Thanksgiving (a goal that I met). And then all 50 states by the end of 2019 (which I totally did not meet).

One reason for replacing the original goal was that November 2020 felt too far away, and I didn't want to wait that long. I thought I could reach 50 states a lot sooner if I really focused and hustled.

The other reason, though, was that I started getting nervous that too many people would see the election tie-in and assume that the project is a partisan thing. Which it's not.

The last thing I want is for people to start using my messages as yet another us/them, right/wrong, good/bad way to divide us. But today I'm re-instating my original goal despite that risk, because I need to acknowledge that my messages are political.

They're political not as in partisan, but rather related to our collective welfare. My goal is not just to help soothe individuals with personal reminders of love, worth, and belonging, but also to change how we think and talk about one another, at all levels of society.

How else can we address the complex collective challenges we are facing in any meaningful or productive way?

I hope that officially re-linking my 50-state goal to the upcoming election will help inspire more of the important public conversations that I believe we are ready to have. And I trust that it will be worth the risk of some misunderstanding along the way.

As of yesterday, there are just 17 states that don't have at least one Sign of Kindness:

SOK 2-19-20.png

There are also several outstanding requests for sign funding from individuals and schools in Minnesota, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. And there is some bonus sign funding available for the first signs in Nevada and Idaho.

Links to the key information, including how to purchase, can be found here. There is also a shareable Facebook post here.

In the spirit of humble giving, please don't feel obligated to participate in any way that doesn't feel good and right to you. But do know that anything you do to nudge this along will be received with deep gratitude